Comprehensive Orthodontics

Are you a teenager or a young adult who is not happy with your current smile?

Do your misaligned teeth break your confidence?

Do you have to cover your mouth everytime you laugh?

Do you want a dental overhaul but are afraid long and expensive treatment?

If your answer is yes to one or more questions, read on to know how you fix all the above problems quickly and affordably. Let me introduce the solution to the above problems – comprehensive orthodontics.

What is comprehensive orthodontics?

Comprehensive orthodontic treatment is the process of repositioning misaligned or all the teeth of a patient in order to treat malocclusion and make it perfect as far as possible. This is done by using fixed appliances consisting of brackets. Occlusion is the dental term given to the meeting of two surfaces of teeth in our mouth. Normal occlusion is necessary for everyday dental functioning. However, when the occlusion is not the way it should ideally be, it is termed as malocclusion.

It is worth pointing out that comprehensive orthodontics is a single stage process.

What is the best time for comprehensive orthodontics?

The best time for comprehensive orthodontics is adolescence, when the permanent teeth has just erupted. What makes time ideal for treatment is the fact that during this time some vertical and antero posterior of the jaw remains. Moreover, undergoing orthodontic treatment at this age is not awkward socially. Having said that, the treatment can be effectively carried out for patients between the age of 8 and 20.

What are the stages involved in comprehensive orthodontics?

The stages involved in comprehensive orthodontics treatment can be broadly classified as follows:

  • Planning – The orthodontist makes an exact diagnosis in order to realign the teeth in the most effective and expedient way. The first several visits may comprise of various evaluations such as study model, X-rays, photographs and overall medical tests.
  • The Active Stage – based on the results of the above diagnosis, the orthodontist will develop a customized treatment plan for the patient. Next, the orthodontist will recommend custom orthodontic device to gently move the teeth into proper alignment.  This orthodontic appliance may be fixed or removable.  The dentist will also prescribe you a routine to get the devices adjusted, if there is a need.
  • Retention – The orthodontist will create a retainer for you. This will prevent the corrected teeth or jaw from going back to their original misaligned state.

What is the approximate time frame for comprehensive orthodontics?

The length of treatment depends upon severity of the case, patient’s dental history and other complications, if any. Having said that, the treatment time in most cases last between 2 to 2.5 years. Treatment duration also depends greatly upon patient’s diligence with the appliance, timely visits to the orthodontist and overall abidance to his suggestions.

Does comprehensive orthodontics involve removal of teeth?

Again, tooth removal is not necessary and may only be involved in some cases. In certain cases, it becomes imperative to remove the teeth before any orthodontic treatment can take place. For example, a wisdom tooth may cause misalignment by pushing against the existing teeth. Therefore, it must be extracted out before treating the misalignment.

Can braces be installed if there are one or more missing teeth?

Dental braces create physical tension to move teeth in the desired direction. Each tooth rests on the next one and braces are stuck on to each tooth to create the necessary tooth. If you have lost one or more teeth, the entire structure can collapse. However, it is not impossible to have braces if you have missing teeth.

Will comprehensive dentistry involve surgery?

In almost all cases, comprehensive dentistry does not involve surgery. Surgery is only involved in cases when the teeth are way out of alignment or cases when wisdom teeth is submerged below the gum. And smileline orthodontics has you covered here as well for we have the best dental surgeon in Kolkata in our team of doctors. For more information, see Surgical Orthodontics.

Will the treatment be painful?
As with all our processes, comprehensive orthodontics too is a painless procedure. Providing smiles with little or no pain is our vision and we have toiled hard over years to achieve our exclusive treatment techniques. But know that all orthodontist treatments invade your life and you will have to make minor adjustments to your lifestyle to avoid irritation and to maximize the efficacy of the treatment. For instance, if you play sports, you will have to wear a protecting mouth guard. You will have to get used to the braces or other fixed appliances if you play any musical instrument. Sometimes, braces or other appliances may come off during your day to day activity. In such a situation, you must inform your dentist and visit him/her at the earliest.

What are different types of orthodontic appliances?

The different kinds of appliances a dentist might use to correct your misalignment can be classified into two categories, viz fixed appliances and removable appliances:

Removable Appliances
  • Elastics – Elastics or rubber bands help in improving the fit of your upper and lower teeth. They must be worn as prescribed for best results.
  • Aligners – Aligners are more and more becoming a popular alternative to conventional braces for grown-ups. This device moves teeth in the same technique as braces. However, it is practically invisible and does not incorporate metal wires and brackets. Aligners need to be removed when you will eat, brush, and floss your teeth.
  • Jaw Repositioning Device – A common example of this type of device is occlusal splints. Often used to treat TMJ problems, these help to close the jaw in a better manner.
  • Palatal Expander – They are removable devices which widen the arch of the upper jaw. They are made of plastic, help to treat overcrowding of teeth and sit over the top of the mouth.
  • Removable retainers – Patients need to wear removable retainers to avoid their teeth from moving back to their previous alignment.
  • Headgear – Some individuals need to wear headgear. This device should wear in the evening or at night. In case you do not use it in the manner your dentist instructed you, your front teeth may protrude at the end of the procedure.
Fixed Appliances
  • Braces – Braces are the most common fixed appliances. They have evolved a lot in modern times and braces of today are light, colourful and trendy. There are various kinds of braces which the dentist will suggest you after a thorough consultation. Smiline orthodontics is the best dental braces in Kolkata. Book your appointment now.
  • Special Fixed Appliances – These appliances are used to treat special cases such as tongue thrusting or thumb sucking. They are often used as the last resort by the dentist since they can be a little uncomfortable for the patient.
  • Fixed space maintainers – At times, kids lose their teeth prematurely. In that case, an orthodontist might install a space maintainer in your kid’s mouth to maintain the space open until a permanent tooth emerges.

What are the benefits of comprehensive orthodontics?

  • Comprehensive orthodontics is a single step process. It will save you the time and hassle of going through a two stage treatment plan.
  • It helps improve the overall hygiene of the mouth. The removal of crooked teeth will help you chew better, thus aiding in digestion. When teeth have proper space of grow, they are easier to clean and the chance for germ build-up is minimized.
  • A good set of teeth and a perfect smile can help you boost your self confidence. This confidence is known to act as a catalyst to a person’s professional as well as personal development. Such people are easily accepted socially and are often admired. In a nutshell, the significance of a good smile cannot be overstated.

What makes Smileline Orthodontic Clinic the Best Dental Clinic In Kolkata for comprehensive orthodontics?

  • Ever since our inception, we have made a name for ourselves by working only with the top 10 dentists in Kolkata. Our constant endeavor is to erase two things – firstly, dental problems from life of patients and secondly, fear of dental procedures that most patients have. Some of our salient features are
  • We are the only dental clinic in Kolkata to provide painless orthodontic treatment. Even children have commended that they have experienced little to no pain with our treatments. We have achieved this by professional mastery and state of the art equipment.
  • We observe 100% transparency pertaining to prices with our treatment. There are no hidden costs and patients pay what they have been quoted for. We have the distinction of being the clinic which provides lowest artificial teeth set cost in Kolkata.
  • Suranjan Banerjee is known to be a top dentist in Kolkata
  • We enjoy an extremely high success rate of 100% with all our procedures. There are no postoperative complications, which is reflected in the happy faces of our patients.
  • We maintain the highest sanitization level and all our apparatus our cleaned and sanitized after every procedure.
  • Our orthodontic treatment has great longevity and can last a lifetime with proper maintenance and care
  • Our cordial staff make sure that you enter and leave the clinic with a smile on your face


So, if your question reads that who is the best dentist in Kolkata near me. The answer is always Smile Orthodontic Clinic.

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