Orthodontic treatment has both a functional as well as cosmetic edge. While periodic dental visits should be a part of everyone’s repertoire, most of us simply do not follow the basic etiquette of dental maintenance.
Whether you need orthodontic treatment or not, should be best judged by your orthodontist, but there are certain red flags which you should steer clear off.

- You prefer breathing through your mouth – Breathing through mouth is a clear sign that you need orthodontic treatment. Misalignment of jaw blocks the airway and often leads to mouth breathing. Continuous mouth breathing can develop into sleep apnea and can be a life threatening condition. Dr Banerjee, the best orthodontist in Kolkata, is known to treat this condition with a customized plan which expands the jaw and opens the airways.
- You are scared to smile freely – You are self conscious or probably trying to hide your crooked teeth or misaligned jaw. Orthodontic treatment will help you boost your confidence give you that unadulterated smile. If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist in Kolkata, visit Smileline Orthodontics now!
- Your jaw do not align – You might experience difficulty in chewing food which results in a poor bite. Since the food is not grounded properly, you may also experience bad digestion. Visit Smileline Orthodontics to get yourself examined and find the treatment plan which suits you best.
- You have speech impediment – Misaligned jaws can cause lisping. Uneven openings in the mouth can create difficulty in pronouncing certain alphabets such as S and Z. These can be corrected with treatment.